FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

To be honest no one asked this, but I know someone will one day

When I install MusePluse it doesn't do anything!

This may be from a variety of reasons, ensure that you have done the following 1) Ensure the port from your settings.yml is opened on your servers network! If you are using the resource pack link. 2) If you are using the resource pack link option, make sure your link is a DIRECT download link! If you are using drop box you do this by making sure the dl=0 in your download link is changed to dl=1. If you are using GitHub you may have a link like this: "https://github.com/Burchard36/MusePluse/blob/main/MusePluseResources1.0.2-SNAPSHOT.zip". You need to change the word blob to raw, your link should now look something like this: "https://github.com/Burchard36/MusePluse/raw/main/MusePluseResources1.0.2-SNAPSHOT.zip" 3) Did the installation freeze? Check and see if any songs threw errors and if they did remove/fix they're links for your region. If no songs threw any errors it is possible youtube or the ffmpeg installation had a hiccup. To resolve this simple remove all the folders inside /plugins/MusePluse and let the isntallation process restart, if you are certain that ffmpeg is installed (Say the freeze happened when you were adding a song) you can leave the ffmpeg folder there to save some time on the re-installation. 4) At this point, you are LOST my dude lol, join our discord: https://discord.musepluse.xyz

Last updated